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Page 1 of 4: Basic Info

A few standard questions about yourself


How do you want us to address you? First name or common nickname is fine.


I am born on and hence of legal age
I typically prefer my partners to be between and years old
To not waste anyone's time, do not match me to people under or over
(leave it at 18 and 99+ if you couldn't care less about age)


I am
Optionally: more precisely, if you would like to elaborate: I identify as


I am open to being matched to the following genders:
Optionally: if it is more complicated, my sexual/relational orientation is best described as


I live in
(Please mention country, state, and nearest big city if applicable)


Privacy Policy values your privacy and the protection of your personally identifying information. In this privacy declaration, we want to provide clear and transparent information on how we collect, store and process your personal data. We do what we can to warrant your privacy and to deal correctly with your personal data, including compliance with the EU’s GDPR.
If, after reading this document, you are left with any questions regarding how we deal with your privacy, you can contact us at any time by email on with any questions or concerns you may have. However please keep in mind that is a near-zero budget, non-profit project. Everything about it is volunteers' work (including writing this document).

Who is this text for?

This privacy declaration is applicable to all current and future users of the website, who leave behind personally identifiable information, as well as everyone contacting us via other methods (email, social media, etc.)

What personal information do we process/store?

  • All information explicitly passed on by you (the email address you used to sign up, all data you enter or upload during registration).
  • All information implicit in your connection (the current time, your ip adress, etc.) as well as non-personally-identiable data computable from that (the country you’re browsing from, the type of device you’re using, etc.)
  • Any data that you happen to pass to us when contacting us via email, social media or other channels.

Why do we process/store this?

  • In case of email, we collect this to uniquely identify you as a user, and to contact you when we feel it's appropriate.
  • In case of your verification picture, we use this to verify that you effectively are who you claim you are, to boost security for all our members.
  • For other data, we collect this to be judge how suited other members would be as a match for you, and to more easily find such matches.

Who has access to your data?

We fully rely on external parties for our technical needs:
  • Our web hosting company (currently RamNode) has access to all data except for our email traffic and social media conversations.
  • Our email web applications (currently Gmail) have access to all our non-automated email traffic.
  • Our web analytics solution (currently Google Analytics) has access to all connection-based and device-based information that it tracks; the same holds for our anti-bot mechanism (if any).
  • And so on...
We do not provide direct access by third parties to your data, unless mandated by law. We do not keep personally identifying information for more than 10 years after its last usage.

What security measures are in place?

We believe we use more than reasonable security mechanisms to the standards of a near-zero-budget volunteering project.
  • We use encrypted https traffic wherever we can.
  • We use ssh to connect to the server whenever we can.
  • We use strong or randomized passwords that are difficult to guess.
  • We use an antivirus+firewall on all computers that access the website’s data or store backups of this data, and encrypt the computers’ hard drive to secure the data in case of loss or theft.
  • We have traps in place to detect a potential data breach (e.g. email addresses not used for any other purposes -- if these start receiving spam, we know that data has leaked).
  • We immediately change all relevant passwords should we become aware of any risk (e.g. a stolen phone while logged in to an enslaveme-related email account).
Should an incident occur involving your personally identifying data, then we will personally inform you as prescribed by the law.

Legal rights

If at some point you want to retract your consent to have us store this personally identifiable information, please send us an email to, from the email associated to your account, requesting to delete or anonymize your data, and we will do so. We will gladly assist you in requesting, correcting or deleting any personally identifyiable records that we have stored about you. Also for our mailing lists, you can at any time ask what mailing lists you are currently on, modify your subscription, and/or have your email address deleted from our database altogether. All of this via as usual.


Should you have any complaints of any kind, we welcome them at and we will do our best to address them. Alternatively, you can file a complaint with your local privacy commission.


We can update this privacy policy at any time. However, the latest version can always be found at this very url.

Welcome to EnslaveMe

Registration will take about 30 minutes

What to expect?

In the next few pages, we'll ask you a number of questions regarding your preferences, experience, desires, beliefs, etc.
  • To find you a compatible partner, we need to know in detail what compatible means to you. Your lifestyle preferences, desires and limits, background, and so on.
  • We know this takes some effort, but this also means the potential matches on our website have gone through the same process, allowing us to weed out fakers/catfishes on the spot.
Your progress will be saved every time you go to the next page. You can continue where you left off by simply clicking the signup link in your email again.


By continuing you declare you have read and agree to our Privacy Policy.

Profile Rejected

We cannot provide you with matches based on the info you entered

What happened?

We reviewed your application and unfortunately your profile didn't meet our standards. This could e.g. mean that you submitted the page without filling in your answers, or that you didn't submit them in English. If you believe this is a mistake, or if you'd like to fill in the form again, please get in touch, we'll gladly help you get this sorted.

No Match Yet

We can't offer you a match at this stage

What does that mean?

Your application was received in good order, but we've not been able to find you a suitable match in our current member pool. We'll keep your profile in our database for in case any great matches would join, but for now we can't offer you any suitable matches.

Signup Complete

You may now close this page

What's next?

We'll review your application and update this page once we're ready. We have a bit of a backlog currently, but rest assured that your data is on file with us, and we'll keep an eye out for compatible profiles in the meantime (and obviously email you if we have a match for you).

Match Found

We've sent you an email with further instructions

What's next?

We've found you a suitable match and we've sent you an email about it. Didn't receive any email? Get in touch, we'll gladly send it again.

Match Accepted

Best of luck!

Now what?

You've been put in touch with your match and we believe you're currently getting to know them. Our job is done for now, but if there's anything we can do, don't hesitate to contact us.

Page 2 of 4: About You

Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability; the more detail we get the more likely we can find your right match. Please do not skip any questions, there's no back button or option to edit later on.

About You

Tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you? What do you do in life (work/study, hobbies, etc.)? How would you describe your looks? Do you have any current relationship(s)? What are you passionate about/what are your current life goals?


What attracts you in becoming a slave? Are you looking for 24/7 lifestyle slavery or more of a bedroom dynamic? If your owner had multiple slaves, would you see the others as competitors or as fellow sisters serving the same purpose?

Role in Life

What role do you feel that your submission could take in your life? Could it be your main activity, replacing any 'typical' job (and your owner providing for you financially) or would you need a more regular daytime job? Would you stay in touch with friends and family from your current life, or would you start a completely new life?

Page 3 of 4: About You

Almost there! Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability; the more detail we get the more likely we can find you the right match. Please do not skip any questions, there's no back button or option to edit later on.

Must Haves

Is there anything that's really important to you to have? Certain kinks that are essential, certain relationship aspects (e.g. monogamy), having children (or partner accepting your current children), etc.?

Must Not Haves

Are there any things that you really can't stand in an owner, or that you consider red flags? Character traits, physical properties, them requiring you to be monogamous, fetishes/kinks that you think are really not OK, sexual acts that you're unwilling to do, etc.

Ideal Owner

What kind of person would your ideal owner be? Any desires on how they look, certain character traits they should have etc? Should they be super kinky, wealthy, smart, highly educated, successful, have certain other properties/skills? What is most important?

Page 4 of 4: About You

Almost there! Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability; the more detail we get the more likely we can find you the right match. Please do not skip any questions, there's no back button or option to edit later on.


In the BDSM Test, you answered positively to the statement

"I'll gladly leave everything behind, including moving across the globe if I have to, for the BDSM life of my dreams."

How would such a dream life have to look like in order for you to move across the globe for that life? Be honest about your needs: a certain kind of rare partner, lifetime financial guarantees/full relocation paid for, a certain type of lifestyle, etc. Anything you'd need to actually practically do this. Often we can provide someone like that easier than a local match.


Is there anything that we should keep in mind when finding a match, or that a potential partner should know? Existing relationships or commitments, constraints you're bound by, medical or psychological conditions, criminal record, past trauma, gender dysphoria, etc.?

Anything Else?

Is there anything else that you feel would be relevant to know when trying to find you a good match?

Pictures and Contact Info

Last but not least...


Add some pictures of yourself (ideally at least one face + at least one full body). No need for filters or shame, a mediocre picture is a thousand times better than no picture.


How can you be reached? We have your email, but our emails often end in the spam filter because of kink-related words in them, so we would be grateful if you could provide additional contact info (instagram, facebook, whatsapp, FL, etc.)

Prove that you're human

Finally: to verify that you are who you claim to be, please write the code 3g8h on a piece of paper and take a picture containing both you and the note. We won't show this to your match, it's purely for us to verify that you are really you.


You're all done! Click the button below to finish the registration process.

Account Settings

Here you can change the technical aspects of your account, such as password, email and name; or sign out of this account
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Change Email ()
Change Name ()
Delete Account

A Special Journey is a niche matchmaking website for those serious about 24/7 Master-slave dynamics

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Currently we are still in a closed testing phase, so please use the link in your invitation email to login instead.
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Welcome Back!

You still need to confirm your email address, for this purpose we've sent you an email with a link to click. Please click the link in that email to complete your registration before signing in. is a matchmaking website for those into a particular BDSM niche: those who want to live their life as a full time slave (property, object, pet, or similar role), and those who want to provide them with such a life. The website is currently in closed beta testing, so you cannot join yet without invitation, but you can already pre-register so you'll be the first to hear it when we open!

Our 5 key features:
  • Diversity.  We accommodate all serious BDSM lifestyles. Whether you want to be a domestic maid, human pet, torture toy, cum dump or anything else; there's a lid for every pot.
  • Safety.  We have a suite of safety mechanisms in place, such as vetting and background checks for prospective owners, to provide you with the most secure online dating experience possible.
  • Matching.  We don't randomly give slaves to owners. We have experts doing the matching to ensure your match shares the same goals and desires, both sexually and in the general lifestyle.
  • Privacy.  No browsing through profiles, we select your match for you. Only a handful of people get to see your profile in total, so you won't accidentally be seen by someone you know.
  • Realness.  Thanks to all of the above: no fakers, catfishes, or people just looking to get laid. It takes some effort to join, but exactly that creates the right filter.
For any questions, please email us at